
Our school's mission: "St. Cecilia School provides a Catholic education that fosters intellectual, moral and spiritual growth.  Together, we strive daily to give witness to the love of God and bring the presence of Christ to all people through loving service."

Our school exists not only for an academic purpose, but also to instill in each child ethical and moral values, social skills, and the respect and dignity for each human person.  We strive to create a caring and nurturing environment where each individual is unique, feels safe, happy, and respected.

Children thrive in an atmosphere where they feel secure and confident. At Saint Cecilia School, our programs are based on traditional religion, reading, writing, science, mathematics, social studies and geography. 

To enhance and balance the academics, the students are formed in areas of art, music, world language (Spanish), physical education, computer and literacy. 

Permeating the school is the solid foundation of Catholic values and ethics. There are daily prayers as well as innovative prayer experiences and services to celebrate every season of the year. 

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